Can we promote Peace and Development at the same time?

शिव धिताल/बिजपाटी

शिव धिताल/बिजपाटी

Apr 16, 2018 | 09:54:13 AM मा प्रकाशित

laxmi  sunrise bank

            Kefash Maharjan

Peace and development are two sides of the same coin. Peace and Development go hand in hand. One cannot be achieved without another. Without peace there can be no development and without development there can be no peace. Many would argue that if the country is developed, there is peace in that country. However I disagree with this statement and proclaim that peace is one of the key for enhancement of any country and both peace and development work go side by side.


Peace is a state or period in which there is no war or a war has ended; also freedom from disturbance; and develops harmony. It is the state of being free form any kind of human conflict and violence.  All the activities of the country run smoothly in the situation of peace. Peace is the sign of development and prosperity. Human rights are not violated. People can walk freely from one place to another without having any fear in their mind. They can do their business without any obstruction. People respect each other rights. They are also committed to fulfill their duty toward their society. Rule and order is respect by all. People can raise their living standard by working hard. Peace brings happiness among people. They are involved in development activities.


Peace helps to promotes human rights, democratic norms, and value. It helps to create the feeling of love, trust, tolerance, and brotherhood among people. Development process can’t go ahead without peace and harmony. Peace is the mother of civilization and war is the demon of destruction. Civilization and development cannot progress if there is no peace in the country. Development flourishes only in the time of peace.


The dynamic between sustainable development and peace building is cyclical – These are not mutually exclusive activities, but rather they are constantly interacting.


Likewise, development is a long-term continuous process, which demands the direct involvement of people with other factors. It means to grow more powerful, aggressive, and prosperous; people stared to utilize the nature or so called natural resources. The utilization of the natural resources will build the country in every sector. This change or progress is called development. The physical infrastructures like-transportation, communication, electricity etc. lend people charismatic comfort and luxury in life, but can’t guarantee the smile, fortune, and prosperous life unless and until they feel secured or out of danger. If they do have the feel of peace and security, then they will definitely develop a new passion and enthusiasm to join hands in hands to truly prosperous and dignified lives. So, we can see many examples of the peaceful countries developing miraculously within the very short time span.


While on the other hand, countries involved in the civil war where peace and harmony are destroyed, have witnessed the collapse of the foundation of sustainable development like-Afghanistan, Iraq, Sri Lanka, Somalia, Liberia, Rwanda and so on. Where there is conflict, the development work will remain fragmentary. Conflict reduces development into destruction, disruption, diversion, and dis-saving. War actions destroy production and health facilities, war-related deaths and maiming reduces the workforce, destruction of roads, hinders economic exchange and increase transportation costs.


Similarly, our country Nepal is not an exception in this matter. The rising violence has left approximately twelve thousand dead in the last decade. The long political conflict has ruined the entire economy and planned development activities. Even a small conflict develops damage in the society as well as nation. If any parties create disputes in any kind of development work, the work can't be run without resolving the conflicts. This will hinder the progress of community. Though this might be a small example, today if we see around, any kind of improvement work is done through unity and peace which leads to sustainability. But now, the country has changed to federal republican democracy state and political parties have also started working together for development. If this peace and unity continues, there will be huge change to transform the nation. However, if the political parties start conflicts in between, the country will stay as and the development work comes to standstill as of past decades. Let us hope Nepal will be once again-‘a land of peace, progress, and prospering’ and community transformation work will be done in every parts of Nepal through local government and other likeminded organizations.


Development projects do accelerate and flourish only through peace and harmony; situation in the country.


For any country to reach a lasting peace, the journey must always be led by its own people. The role of the NGO/INGOs is to support this journey, providing the experience, expertise and using the convening power at its disposal to give countries in crisis the best chance at stability and prosperity. Peace is not simply a benchmark to achieve. It requires ongoing, dynamic participation from the entire society in its governance and economy to ensure that conflicts don’t escalate into violence. This is how a country’s development will be inclusive and sustainable; it gives everyone a stake in a shared future.


In conclusion; although the correlation between the two is clear and well-documented, several questions remain unanswered. Reflecting the diverse nature of the development concept, several indicators have been used to capture it – GDP per capita, energy consumption per capita, infant mortality rates, life expectancy, education levels; importance of primary commodities in economy, or urbanization. The various indicators are associated to varying extents with different theoretical mechanisms through which conflict and development affect each other. The availability of several indicators in principle promises ability for researchers to distinguish statistically between different explanations. In practice, however, this is difficult since indicators are highly correlated; mechanisms rarely operate in isolation from each other. Peace building (thinking as indicator); itself is an active ongoing process. Even before conflicts breaks out, political and civil society leaders need to think about proactive ways of encouragement a culture of conflict prevention and conflict resolution. So, my message today is that we must put peace building, conflict prevention, and conflict resolution at the center of the sustainable development. As Mahatma Gandhi said, “There is no way to peace, Peace is the way.”

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